There has been a lot of buzz around public and private cloud computing and storage solutions for the media business. Media facilities need storage and the cloud has it.

Quantum and TV Technology have partnered to publish a research report on “Cloud Storage Technologies for Media Workflows”.  Together we have researched cloud storage technology and how it is showing an increasing promise for media workflows. Our research report will review the results of a 1,750 responder survey on storage for the media facility. And address these key questions:

  • Can media storage and the cloud be combined to yield beneficial, secure workflows?
  • What confidence do media professionals have in using the private/public cloud?
  • Where are the sweet spots for public cloud usage in a workflow?

Case studies are also provided along with practical advice on making the cloud jump with confidence.

Get instant access to this third-party research report now!

Cloud Storage Technologies Show Promise for Media Workflows

Cloud Storage Technologies
Show Promise for
Media Workflows

If you would like more information feel free to call us at 800-677-6268 or visit Thank you!

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