Building an Ultra-Efficient,
Large-Scale Archive with CatDV


Building an Ultra-Efficient, Large-Scale Archive with CatDV

The perfect archive to support your growing content and media operations may seem like an impossible wishlist. It must be perfectly transparent to your asset management workflow yet give you powerful control where you need it, offer the highest levels of protection and resiliency for invaluable assets. Above all, scale from Terabytes to Petabytes seamlessly while delivering both performance and OPEX-friendly economics you can plan on.

Quantum CatDV workflow and technology experts will show you how to build that ideal content archive as part of your asset management workflow, that is ready to scale by leveraging your ideal mix of on-site and private cloud technology.

Watch this recorded session to learn:

  • Top challenges of building large-scale archives

  • Why having your own object storage solution can be more secure, more customisable, and give you better performance to support your asset management system like CatDV

  • Workflow design walk-through and best practices: CatDV, StorNext, ActiveScale, integration points, and scalability options